June 20, 2009

the lakers championship victory parade ! 6/17/2009

as promised, heres the video from the lakers championship victory parade.

i woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning to pick up joy. and we were off to the los angeles memorial coliseum. we got off the exposistion park exit, and we were greeted with the mad street traffic. it took us about 40 minutes to get through 4 blocks to the parking lot.

we arrived at the place at 6am and the gates didn’t open up until 9:30. so we had to wait a couple hours, it’s a good thing people brought out those beach balls otherwise it would be one looooonnngg wait.

we get through in an orderly fashion and we rushed through the tunnels to go find a seat. and as soon as you enter the field, and you see how many laker fans there are in the stadium, you find yourself in awe. 96,000 + laker fans in one place and not to mention the fans outside in the streets. its crazy. but there were a lot of other stuff that went on at the coliseum, but you just have to watch the video.

overall it was a super fun day, but as soon as we got out, the traffic seemed just as bad or even worse than ever. it was a stand still in the parking lot for awhile. aside from that i got home, and then i knocked out. i was waaaaaayyyyyy too tired.

i shall make another video from what happened at niketown when trevor ariza went there. it should be up by tomorrow. iiiiiight y’all. peace!

June 16, 2009

On to the parade

as some of you may know, I was consumed by the lakers playoffs this past month and a half. and tomorrow is a big day! the parade down L.A. is going to be crazy. but we shall see. just wanted to say GOOO LAKERS! i will update the blog after tomorrow!. peace out for now.

May 22, 2009

Sia > GaGa

i still listen to her cd’s all the time. shes truly an amazing artist that not a lot of people know. but i dont care, cause i’d rather keep it that way.

May 15, 2009

i forgot to add this to the blog

basketball cards; it’s a weakness of mine.

i love the surprise of opening a box of cards in trying to find those big named cards like the jordan, the bryants, the lebrons and so on and so forth.

heres a clip of me and my friend jason (stimpyjd on youtube) showing what we both got from the boxes we opened. sorry if its not exciting. lol. but we think it is.

May 14, 2009

thank you heroes.

so its been a couple hours since the lost season finale showed. and i’ve been up going onto imdb just reading on forums on what people think of it. that show is the best. simple as that, and im going to be sad when it does go off the air next season. but really i must thank the show “heroes”, because of it’s crappy writing it made me start to watch lost. so thank you heroes.

i must go to sleep, maybe til 2010.

May 2, 2009

Popeyes Runs Out of Chicken in Rochester, NY

this is so unmercifully hilarious.


March 30, 2009

so i there was a contest on myspace to go to the rock the bells launch party. i did what they asked for which was to add rock the bells and myspace hip hop to their top 8 list. and then send them a screen capture of your profile to guerilla union. i did this on thursday or friday. and i was waiting by my computer to on verizon.net to check my email every hour. and hour after hour i didnt see anything on there. they were only accepting the first 100 people to do it. and by night time i practically gave up. on the guerillaunion.com page they also mentioned that they would also be releasing tickets to the public as well on the 30th.

so i wake up this morning to check out the ticketmaster event, how much and when the event would be. but the only thing listed was that it was at the key club in los angeles. and the tickets were 20 bucks. and so i was pretty much one button away from buying a pair of tickets. but i look at the total for a pair and it was a little over 65 for a pair including those rediculous service charges. so i thought about it and said fuck it, i wont go cause i didnt even know who was going to be on the bill. 

and now at 2 o’ clock in the afternoon i get a message on my email that says. re:R.S.V.P. from rsvp@guerillaunion. and my eyes just lit up.

click. open.




omg. tuesday will be awesome.

i am sorry.

February 22, 2009

for not doing anything on my blog for awhile. i got involved with a little thing called twitter. it seems to me that twitter has been stealing all my small comments so i never get around to making any normal blogs that i used to. so to mark this occasion i will copy and paste a real long quote in which twitter will not let me put up due to its length.

“”​Some peopl​e in your life come for a lifet​ime,​ some come for a seaso​n.​ You got to know which​ is which​.​ And you’​re alway​s gon’ mess up when you mix them seaso​n peopl​e up with lifet​ime expec​tatio​ns.​ They got peopl​e that got marri​ed with peopl​e they were only suppo​sed to be with for a seaso​n.​ They done got marri​ed to peopl​e they were only suppo​sed to be with a seaso​n and wonde​r why they havin​g so much hell in their​ life.​ That was a perso​n that was suppo​se to come and teach​ you one thing​.​ You didn’​t know it, so you just fell in love.​ And now you wonde​r why you aint got no peace​,​ no where​ to go.
I put every​body come in my life in a categ​ory of a tree.​ Some peopl​e are like leave​s on a tree.​ The wind blow,​ they over here.​ They’​re unsta​ble.​ It blow the other​ way, they over here.​ Seaso​n chang​e,​ they withe​r and die. They gone.​ That’​s alrig​ht,​ that’​s some peopl​e.​ Most peopl​e in the world​ are like that.​ They just there​ to take from the tree.​ They aint there​ to do nothi​ng but take and give shade​ every​ now and then.​ That’​s all they can do. But don’​t get mad at peopl​e like that.​ That’​s who they are. They aint gonna​ never​ be nothi​ng else.​ They put on this earth​ to be, but be what they are: A leaf.​ Some peopl​e are like a branc​h on that tree.​ You got to be caref​ul with them branc​hes too cause​ they’​ll fool you. They’​ll get there​ and make you think​ they’​re a good frien​d and they real stron​g,​ but the minut​e you step out there​ on ’em they’​ll break​ you and leave​ you high and dry.

But if you find you two or three​ peopl​e on your life that’​s like the roots​ at the botto​m of that tree,​ you are bless​ed ‘​cause​ them the kind of peopl​e that ain’​t goin no where​.​ They aint worri​ed about​ bein’​ seen.​ Don’​t nobod​y have to know that they know you. They aint got to know what they doing​ for you. But if them roots​ wasn’​t there​ that tree could​n’​t live.​ And they aint got a whole​.​.​ A tree can have 100 milli​on branc​hes but only a few roots​ down at the botto​m to make sure it get every​thing​ it need.​ And when you get you some roots​,​ hold on to ’em, but the rest of it, let it go.​.​.​ Just let it go. Let folks​ go.”

now after reading that you may take your sigh of relief. 


and then take another breath…..


it was from madea goes to jail. 




here’s to more blogs. ( hopefully)




January 12, 2009

89 episodes. done. =) … i did it!

cant wait til the 21st.

you might immediately think, “oh, it’s paul, he’ll pick something from soulja boy’s library”. 

and then, you’re wrong. while i do admit his songs are garbage, i do think that there is one song the annoyed the crap out of me so much this year.

and the winner is: JASON MRAZ – “I’m Yours”

i’m going to tell everyone first, I AM A JASON MRAZ FAN. i absolutely love his music. and i have been a supporter of his since the live at java joe’s cd. if you want to hear his best album, go pick that one up. 

but i have never wanted to smash a ukulele so much in my life because of that song. the song originally came out in 2007, and i liked it. it was a very cool catchy song at the time. then 2008 came around and the song spread like wildfire. one cover song after another, after another, after another. then the whole thing starts to annoy the crap out of you. as soon as i hear the first 3 notes to that song, i either change the song, turn off the radio, or close your internet window. today i went on blogtv and i looked at a person who was singing and she did i’m yours. it bugged me. so i went on youtube based off curiosity to see how many people did the song as well. and i shit you not it says about 53,200. seriously wtf. thats not even his best song. 

i love cover songs, but yo, 53,000 people singing the same song. there 479 of you youtubers that did 1000 things by jason, and about 300 who did after an afternoon. theres something about being popular that bugs me, wether its from life or even if its from music. people always let more meaningful and beautiful things slip through the cracks. people need to stop making cover songs on youtube because it’s a popular song right now, and start making original or cover songs of something that really means something. don’t sing a cover song because some other person did it, sing a cover song to show a part of you.

one of my favorite cover songs of all time is fiona apple’s across the universe, originally done by the beatles. why? because it’s her own take of a song that she loved. it had a slower tempo, and its production from jon brion is awesome. another one is janita’s enjoy the silence. why? the same reason, they took a song that they loved, and did it in their style. i respect that, and i respect bands like me first and the gimmie gimmies. they do cover songs on their way. 

there is so much music out there in the world that people don’t recognize that i hate it. and i totally understand that it’s all in selective hearing, but people just need to realize that there is a lot out there if you carefully listen. really. 

be bold. do a bill withers song. do a carole king song. do something else. please.